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Bags Store Software

Bags store software & baggage pos system offers billing, inventory, purchase, customer loyalty program, taxation, accounting and more.

Bags Store Software

Bags, one of the must thing everyone needs in life in different ways. School, college, office, traveling etc it’s in top priority. Wallets and handbags now become the fashion accessories. So bags store is ever ending and profit making business. All need to take care of is managing stock according to supply and demand, attracting customers with special discounts, suppliers information etc


Just billing bags store software will minimize all the operational and time taking tasks, which helps you to focus more on business. In simple terms, bag shop billing software helps you to know clear supply and demand with business analytics, always keep on eye on inventory management, records information of your suppliers and map products accordingly to an easy place of further orders. Baggage pos system helps promoting special offers via SMS and Email, generating GST invoices and many features.

Invoicing at ease

Just billing bags store software makes your billing process very easy. Select the products, let customers choose the payment method and then print the invoice. Even the discounts and tax are calculated automatically on the luggage POS.

Warehouse management

Automate your warehouse inventory management in real time with the baggage pos system. Luggage POS can take inventory requests from different branches and allocate the products as per requirements.

Analyze demand and supply

You cannot place the products order randomly, it will bring losses to business. You always need to know what all products are needed and the quantities of those. Extract the sales report from the bag shop billing software regularly, check what are products getting sold and know the demand of products with it.

SMS and Email alert

Now send invoices, greet customers on their special days, send payment reminders, promote offers etc via SMS and email directly from the bags store software.

Bags Store Software

Customers suggestion

Unsatisfied customers always find a better alternative and only happy ones stay. Taking customer feedbacks and suggestions on the baggage pos system helps you to find out that customers are satisfied with service and disclose the areas where business needs to improve.

Trace expenses

When you know the expenses clearly, you get confidence in the financial status of the business. When you analyze the spending using the baggage pos system, you will create better expenses budget by optimizing unwanted ones.

Easy GST filing

The software calculates GST tax details automatically and prepares all the required documents of GST tax return filing in the bag shop billing software. You just need to extract those reports from luggage pos and submit in the tax portal.

Monitor business from the cloud

When you are having multiple stores, it becomes difficult to track the business details of all on regular basis. In bags store software, you can connect all branches in head back-office and monitor them at any moment of time you want. Even if you having a single store, you can check the business performances from anywhere using the baggage pos system cloud back office.

Download Free

baggage pos system

Download and follow simple steps to setup Just Billing luggage pos

or contact us for no obligation demo on free bag shop billing software